Ladies and Gentleman!I am very pleased to announce the arrival of the Friends of British Royalty - German section - to London. We have travelled all the way from Hinsbeck in Germany to the people of Great Britain in order to bring the very best wishes from all over the continent on the Queen's 50th Crown Jubilee. I should not forget to especially pass on the best regards of our mayor Peter Ottmann! Urgent matters made it impossible for him to be with us. As you may have seen on TV last year, broadcast from Hinsbeck in Germany, on the occasion of the Queen's birthday, the main concern of the Friends of British Royalty - German section - is to spread our admiration for the crown all over Hinsbeck, Germany and the rest of the world. Our club is a friend, the british people will always can rely on. So far, our deepest wish to meet the Queen hasn't come true. |
We understand that she must have a large number of appointments these days, but we still hope that she can find an hour to receive us. Nevertheless, our journey to London has been a tremendous success. The Friends of British Royalty - German section - will always keep the unforgettable celebrations of these days in our memories and in our hearts.
Thank you, gentlemen!
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